jueves, 28 de marzo de 2013

Nadie esta a salvo de la locura !

Escapando a un mismo lugar con mi fantasia. Buscando otro cuerpo,otra voz. Fui consumiendo infiernos para salir de vos.



No tengo suenos,mi panza vibra,tuve un golpe energetico, milagro y resurreccion.

si para tenerte aqui habria q maltratarte
No puedo hacerlo
Sos mi dios

Que idiota te hace el amor?

Y hoy quiero darle riendas a esta supersticion



Un pacto para viviiiiir,un pacto para

Tururururu turururururu

Un paactoooooo
Para viviiiiiiiiir
Paraaaa.     Viviiiiiiii

martes, 12 de marzo de 2013


I'm not going to think about him. I'm not going to think about him. I'm not going to think about him anymore. I'm not going to think about the way he look. I'm not going to think about the sound of his voice. I'm not going to think about the way his hair smeeled. I'm not going to think how he once had a dog called Pepper. I'm not going to think about how he never cleaned his room.
I'm not going to think about how he always uncapped me every night when we was sleept in my bed.
I'm not going to think about how he had these funny mended marks on all his clothes because he always broke them.
I will not think about how I lied him to come with me until dentist in Capital but was actually to give a surprise gift.
I'm not going to think about how he got drunk with Tequila and I had to carry him and his cymbals to my home.
I will not think about how we were exposed to the sun without sunscreen and we lost an entire day sitting around doing nothing but talking and laughing as we felt stupid.
I'm not going to think about how he was actually pretty good at cooking hamburgers.
I'm not going to think about how he really hated the buzzer on my cell phone alarm to wake us.
I'm not going to think about how one of his eyes was slightly bigger than the other.I'm not going to think about that time we thought all the slot machines from Moron were broken because they wouldn't give us any money.
I'm not going to think about how he was so big and strong that hugging him was like a holding a hard truck.
I'm not going to think about the time I came home one day, opened the fridge and realised he had bought me chocolates.
I'm not going to think about the light smooth skin of his back.
I'm not going to think about what he looked like so funny when I put this little flower in his hair.
I'm not going to think about the time he got drunk and cried on the street my name and how he loved me.
I'm not going to think about how he always held my hand in public.
I'm not going to think about how we made a deal that I'd buy his CD from Guasones for his birthday only if he promised I'd never have to heard it but then he made me heard it a few times anyway.
I'm not going to think about how sometimes we felt like we were the only two people on Earth.
I'm not going to think about how for a long long time it seemed like it was going to work out.
I'm not going to think about how I found a box on my doorstep full of all the stuff I'd ever given him.
I'm not going to think about whatever he may be doing right now.
I'm not going to think about how he used to call me to tuned up his guitar or sing together in his house but now he doesn't call anymore and so he must have found someone else to do it.

domingo, 10 de marzo de 2013


Se quiser fugir pra qualquer lugar que for,nem precisa me chamar tão perto que eu estou.
Mas seu medo de perder não te deixa me olhar,esqueça o que passou que tudo vai mudar..

Agora eu posso ser seu anjo, seus desejos sei de cor.
Pro bem e pro mal, você me tem não vai se sentir só, meu amor.
Sempre que quiser um beijo eu vou te dar!
Sua boca vai ter tanta sede de me tomar,se quiser.
Sempre que quiser ir as estrelas me dê a mão, deixa eu te levar.

martes, 5 de marzo de 2013

Fragmento: Juanita y yo.

"[...] entonces fue cuando mi alma, justo en ese preciso instante, que se quebró en catorce pedazos. Fue también cuando entendí que no debía dejarla caer. Pero toda esa cálida felicidad, ese merengue de inmensidad se derramó ante mis pies. Y fuimos reparando mi alma, entre las dos, mientras ella me miraba con nostalgia y observaba como me erguía ante el frío que invadía mi pecho; tal como una voz desvaneciéndose en eco, que tan lento y tan de a poco repetía :






Y pensé que no iba a pasar más de un instante. Sin embargo, acá estoy: aún sin terminar de morir. Este es el peor castigo que puede tener cualquier mortal saber que va a morir, pero no saber cuando. Saber que se está muriendo lentamente, pero nunca llega la muerte final. Saber que duele tanto, tan estrepitosamente, tan violento, hasta desear que venga lo más rápido posible para que, como todo, se vaya, y saber que aunque alguna vez muera, ese dolor no va a morir conmigo.[...]"

Juanita y yo, Capitulo XIV: Nirvana.

lunes, 4 de marzo de 2013

Situacion del presente.

Son tan vos y yo.

Odio vernos en todos lados.

Morirme de placer

Sexo,alcohol,marihuana y mucho rockanrol.
Es todo lo que hoy necesito para pasarla bien.
Recien comienza a amanecer,perdon por decirlo: yo solo quiero divertirme mas.
¿y que importa lo que me toca hoy? Usar hombres y mujeres. Yo solo quiero divertirme mas.


Mi amiga Maca me dijo que cree que sus pulmones negros ya no funcionan más.
Me dio tanta tristeza e impotencia que me saco todas las ganas de fumar.
Deberias de copiarme porque tenemos que vivir muchos momentos más juntas, amiga!
Rescatusi entonces, media pila.

Morirme de placer

Quiero hacer todo lo que mas me gusta y probar si me pueden llegar a gustar cosas que aun no hice.
Si me voy a morir, me voy a morir de placer.